What are Yoga mudras, reduce your weight without exercise

yoga mudras
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Yoga mudras also known as hand mudra are a powerful way to cure many diseases, there are many fitness experts, yoga gurus, and even celebrities those who are seen regularly on camera and off camera doing mudras. I am sure that if you are not a regular yoga doing person then you must be wondering that what are yoga mudras. Don’t worry we will clear all your doubts regarding yoga mudras , there benefits and how to preform them.

This blog will also give you yoga mudra for weight loss which you can perform any time as per your convenience.

What are Yoga Mudras

yoga mudras

It is believed in Hinduism and a well known fact that our body is made up of 5 elements i.e., water , air earth, fire and sky. Our 5 fingers also represents these 5 elements. Whenever any of the five element gets disturbed in out body we start feeling unhealthy or we suffer from disease. Hand or yoga mudra balances these elements in our body and make us healthy. That is why whenever we perform yoga we do that by making a hand mudra.

In yoga hand mudras are considered more superior than preforming any pranayama (exercise) or meditation. Mudras helps in developing physical and mental power of a person. These mudras can create miracle if performed in a right way during yoga or in free time sitting in right position.

In simple language Yoga mudras are generally the hand posture in which a person sits while performing the yoga.

Top 3 yoga mudra for weight loss

1. Surya mudra (Sun mudra)

surya mudra yoga mudras

In Sanskrit, Surya means Sun. Just like the heat of the sun makes our body sweat, this mudra also increases the heat in the body and the body starts shedding more and more fat.

How to do it:

  • Sit in a comfortable position, like lotus or easy pose.
  • Fold your ring finger toward the palm and press it gently with your thumb.
  • Keep the other fingers straight.

Benefits: Surya Mudra is believed to stimulate the fire element in the body, boosting metabolism and promoting fat loss.

2. Prana Mudra (Life Mudra)

pran mudra yoga mudras

Prana means life which means this mudra can give you new life in form of weight reduction and healthy body.

  • How to do it:
    • Sit comfortably with your back straight.
    • Touch the tips of your little and ring fingers to the tip of your thumb.
    • Keep the index and middle fingers extended.
  • Benefits: This mudra is said to activate energy reserves in the body and reduce hunger pangs, thus aiding weight control.

3. Linga Mudra

linga mudra yoga mudras

Linga is a private part of body men’s body . This mudra is helpful in curing private part diseases and as well as weight loss problem.

  • How to do it:
    • Clasp your hands together, keeping your left thumb pointing upwards.
    • Wrap the fingers of your right hand around the left thumb.
  • Benefits: Linga Mudra generates heat in the body, which may improve digestion and metabolism.

Other study material and other resources-

If you want t study these mudras in details or wanna see the practical examples then you can visit these some of the famous you tube links given below to learn more about these mudras-

other sources – Wikipedia yoga Mudras

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